
Saturday, September 19, 2009

POP Training

So today was training for POP (Pre-Orientation Program). It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be, just alot of information to take in and grasp. However; I'm super excited for the University Fair next weekend. It's gonna be pretty awesome, I member going to it and loving it so I'm stoked to actually be working at it this year. I signed up that I could work all three days, cause let's be honest here..I could use the money to pay for some bills and so that I have some extra cash on me :).

So POP seems like it's gonna be alot of fun and some of the people are really nice. Well no that's a lie. Most of the people are really nice :)

Speaking of work, next week I picked up two shifts working in the main office of GH. Basically it's just calling the recent graduates and asking about their current career path and whether they chose to go to graduate school teacher's college, etc. So I think that's gonna be pretty interesting since I will get to hear what kind of jobs recent graduates from my own program are in and the career paths that some of them took. That's all I have to say for now about work!


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